Posts from the ‘Wisconsin’ category

A Bit of Bragging-

I have been participating in the 52Frames photography challenge each week of 2022. Over 2,000 photographers worldwide take part in the challenge. It is not a competition or contest- each week we submit a photo taken THAT week which meets the weekly challenge theme. This week’s theme was “Choose a Color.” My photo was selected as one of the “52 Picks” meaning the Whittling Committee chose it to include in a smaller, curated album based on creative concept, technical execution, and overall story! I am so honored and excited!

I took the photo on a cloudy morning around sunrise. I placed a magenta filter over my lens to create the overall magenta hue in the sky and in the water.

December Reflection

The ice has yet to form and remain, allowing the cold, still water to show a mirror image of the sky at sunrise. A few migrating birds remain- tundra swans in particular, and the resident eagles are taking advantage of the open water to fish.